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Adult Help Required

We urgently need a secretary for our trustee board.

We are looking for Leaders. If you would like to know more please click here to see the descriptions of all group roles

If you think this role would suit you, please fill in the form below. 

We are also looking for Parent Representatives for our Beaver, Cub and Scout sections to sit on our Exec Committee. The main part of this role is to represent the interests of your section to the Exec and work with the other members to achieve goals and actions from  the meetings. You act as a bridge between Parents and the Leadership and are the parent's point of contact if they want to raise any concerns. If you would like to find out more please click here

If you think this role would suit you, please fill in the form below.

Spaces for Children

We currently have spaces in our Beaver, Cub and Scout Sections. So, if you would like your child to come and have some fun, please email complete the form below including their name and date of birth*.

It's a good idea to get your child on the waiting list as soon as possible, the earlier they are on the list (even if they are only 4 right now), the quicker they can get in when there's space and they're old enough.

Once you have filled in the form, your enquiry will be passed onto the relevant member of the group to give you the most accurate information. You will receive a response from (please check your spam if you haven't heard anything within 2 weeks).

*Why do we ask for their date of birth? Having their date of birth allows us to make sure they get in as soon as possible when they are the right age and we have space.